QR codes

GET https://noescalation.org/api/qr-codes/
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://noescalation.org/api/qr-codes/' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
Parameters Details Description
page Optional Integer The page number that you want results from. Defaults to 1.
results_per_page Optional Integer How many results you want per page. Allowed values are: 10 , 25 , 50 , 100 , 250 , 500 , 1000. Defaults to 25.
{ "data": [ { "id": 1, "type": "url", "name": "Example name", "qr_code": "https://noescalation.org/uploads/qr_code/example.svg", "qr_code_logo": null, "settings": { "foreground_type": "color", "foreground_color": "#000000", "background_color": "#ffffff", "custom_eyes_color": false, "qr_code_logo_size": 25, "size": 500, "margin": 0, "ecc": "L", "url": "https://example.com" }, "last_datetime": "2021-10-31 09:47:25", "datetime": "2021-10-29 16:32:25" }, ], "meta": { "page": 1, "results_per_page": 25, "total": 1, "total_pages": 1 }, "links": { "first": "https://noescalation.org/api/qr-codes?&page=1", "last": "https://noescalation.org/api/qr-codes?&page=1", "next": null, "prev": null, "self": "https://noescalation.org/api/qr-codes?&page=1" } }
GET https://noescalation.org/api/qr-codes/{qr_code_id}
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://noescalation.org/api/qr-codes/{qr_code_id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
{ "data": { "id": 1, "type": "url", "name": "Example name", "qr_code": "https://noescalation.org/uploads/qr_code/example.svg", "qr_code_logo": null, "settings": { "foreground_type": "color", "foreground_color": "#000000", "background_color": "#ffffff", "custom_eyes_color": false, "qr_code_logo_size": 25, "size": 500, "margin": 0, "ecc": "L", "url": "https://example.com" }, "last_datetime": "2021-10-31 09:47:25", "datetime": "2021-10-29 16:32:25" } }
POST https://noescalation.org/api/qr-codes
Parameters Details Description
project_id Optional Integer -
name Required String -
type Required String Allowed values: text, url, phone, sms, email, whatsapp, facetime, location, wifi, event, crypto, vcard, paypal
style Optional String Allowed values: square, dot, round, diamond, heart
inner_eye_style Optional String Allowed values: square, dot, rounded, diamond, flower, leaf
outer_eye_style Optional String Allowed values: square, circle, rounded, flower, leaf
foreground_type Optional String Allowed values: color, gradient
foreground_color Optional String (foreground_type=color)
foreground_gradient_style Optional String Allowed values: vertical, horizontal, diagonal, inverse_diagonal, radial
foreground_gradient_one Optional String (foreground_type=gradient)
foreground_gradient_two Optional String (foreground_type=gradient)
background_color Optional String
background_color_transparency Optional Integer
custom_eyes_color Optional Boolean
eyes_inner_color Optional String (custom_eyes_color=1)
eyes_outer_color Optional String (custom_eyes_color=1)
qr_code_logo Optional File -
qr_code_logo_size Optional Integer 5-35
size Optional Integer 50-2000
margin Optional Integer 0-25
ecc Optional String Allowed values: L, M, Q, H
text Optional String (type=text)
url Optional String (type=url)
phone Optional String (type=phone)
sms Optional String (type=sms)
sms_body Optional String (type=sms)
email Optional String (type=email)
email_subject Optional String (type=email)
email_body Optional String (type=email)
whatsapp Optional String (type=whatsapp)
whatsapp_body Optional String (type=whatsapp)
facetime Optional String (type=facetime)
location_latitude Optional Float (type=location)
location_longitude Optional Float (type=location)
wifi_ssid Optional String (type=wifi)
wifi_encryption Optional String Allowed values: nopass, WEP, WPA/WPA2, H (type=wifi)
wifi_password Optional String (type=wifi)
wifi_is_hidden Optional Boolean (type=wifi)
event Optional String (type=event)
event_location Optional String (type=event)
event_url Optional String (type=event)
event_note Optional String (type=event)
event_timezone Optional String (type=event)
event_start_datetime Optional String (type=event)
event_end_datetime Optional String (type=event)
crypto_coin Optional String (type=crypto)
crypto_address Optional String (type=crypto)
crypto_amount Optional String (type=crypto)
vcard_first_name Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_last_name Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_company Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_phone_number_label[index] Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_phone_number_value[index] Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_email Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_url Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_job_title Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_birthday Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_street Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_city Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_zip Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_region Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_country Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_note Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_social_label[index] Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_social_value[index] Optional String (type=vcard)
paypal_type Optional String Allowed values: buy_now, add_to_cart, donation (type=paypal)
paypal_email Optional String (type=paypal)
paypal_title Optional String (type=paypal)
paypal_currency Optional String (type=paypal)
paypal_price Optional Float (type=paypal)
paypal_thank_you_url Optional String (type=paypal)
paypal_cancel_url Optional String (type=paypal)
curl --request POST \
--url 'https://noescalation.org/api/qr-codes' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form 'name=New York' \
--form 'type=text' \
--form 'text=Hello!' \
{ "data": { "id": 1 } }
POST https://noescalation.org/api/qr-codes/{qr_code_id}
Parameters Details Description
project_id Optional String -
name Optional String -
type Optional String Allowed values: text, url, phone, sms, email, whatsapp, facetime, location, wifi, event, crypto, vcard, paypal
style Optional String Allowed values: square, dot, round, diamond, heart
inner_eye_style Optional String Allowed values: square, dot, rounded, diamond, flower, leaf
outer_eye_style Optional String Allowed values: square, circle, rounded, flower, leaf
foreground_type Optional String Allowed values: color, gradient
foreground_color Optional String (foreground_type=color)
foreground_gradient_style Optional String Allowed values: vertical, horizontal, diagonal, inverse_diagonal, radial
foreground_gradient_one Optional String (foreground_type=gradient)
foreground_gradient_two Optional String (foreground_type=gradient)
background_color Optional String
background_color_transparency Optional Integer
custom_eyes_color Optional Boolean
eyes_inner_color Optional String (custom_eyes_color=1)
eyes_outer_color Optional String (custom_eyes_color=1)
qr_code_logo Optional File -
qr_code_logo_size Optional Integer 5-35
size Optional Integer 50-2000
margin Optional Integer 0-25
ecc Optional String Allowed values: L, M, Q, H
text Optional String (type=text)
url Optional String (type=url)
phone Optional String (type=phone)
sms Optional String (type=sms)
sms_body Optional String (type=sms)
email Optional String (type=email)
email_subject Optional String (type=email)
email_body Optional String (type=email)
whatsapp Optional String (type=whatsapp)
whatsapp_body Optional String (type=whatsapp)
facetime Optional String (type=facetime)
location_latitude Optional Float (type=location)
location_longitude Optional Float (type=location)
wifi_ssid Optional String (type=wifi)
wifi_encryption Optional String Allowed values: nopass, WEP, WPA/WPA2, H (type=wifi)
wifi_password Optional String (type=wifi)
wifi_is_hidden Optional Boolean (type=wifi)
event Optional String (type=event)
event_location Optional String (type=event)
event_url Optional String (type=event)
event_note Optional String (type=event)
event_timezone Optional String (type=event)
event_start_datetime Optional String (type=event)
event_end_datetime Optional String (type=event)
crypto_coin Optional String (type=crypto)
crypto_address Optional String (type=crypto)
crypto_amount Optional String (type=crypto)
vcard_first_name Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_last_name Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_company Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_phone_number_label[index] Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_phone_number_value[index] Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_email Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_url Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_job_title Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_birthday Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_street Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_city Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_zip Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_region Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_country Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_note Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_social_label[index] Optional String (type=vcard)
vcard_social_value[index] Optional String (type=vcard)
paypal_type Optional String Allowed values: buy_now, add_to_cart, donation (type=paypal)
paypal_email Optional String (type=paypal)
paypal_title Optional String (type=paypal)
paypal_currency Optional String (type=paypal)
paypal_price Optional Float (type=paypal)
paypal_thank_you_url Optional String (type=paypal)
paypal_cancel_url Optional String (type=paypal)
curl --request POST \
--url 'https://noescalation.org/api/qr-codes/{qr_code_id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form 'name=Las Vegas' \
{ "data": { "id": 1 } }
DELETE https://noescalation.org/api/qr-codes/{qr_code_id}
curl --request DELETE \
--url 'https://noescalation.org/api/qr-codes/{qr_code_id}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \